Horror Shop Radio
Horror Shop Radio
S1 E1: Mischief Night
HORROR SHOP RADIO presents Mischief Night
This show contains content of an explicit nature. Listener discretion advised.
As an incoherent customer browses the Horror Shop, we join The Shopkeeper in listening to the first episode of Horror Shop Radio, Mischief Night!
The story centers around two boys who go out for a night of harmless fun, but find out what happens when they go poking around all the wrong places!
Written, Directed, and Produced by Matthew Burd
Hailey Burd as Michael and Christopher
Brianna Burd as Tommy
David Keegan as Old Man Willis
Joshua Perusse as Grown Up Michael
Stacy Casebeer as Sally
Rachel Compton as Carla
Bill Pittenger as Rocky
Matthew Burd as the voices of Peter, Mister Sinister, the Shopkeeper, and Satan
Original Music Score Composed by Brett Reed of Kontrol Phreak
Web Design: Lehigh Creative
Horror Shop Radio Theme Music Composed by Steve Vil of Teknokill
Listen to Teknokill on Spotify
Also featured was the song "Nightmare" by Mike Tlatelpa.
You can listen to Mike's music on Spotify and most streaming platforms
Post production and editing by Matthew Burd
Additional sound design from freesound.org and produced under a creative commons license.
If you enjoyed tonight's episode, please feel free to give us a review on itunes!
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Episode Two of Horror Shop Radio entitled "The Shrieks" will be coming your way on November 30, 2020! In the meantime, visit our friends at No Sleep Tonight!
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Horror Shop Radio is a production of Horror Shop Films and Innovation Cinema