Horror Shop Radio

S1 E3: Tree Farm

Horror Shop Films Season 1 Episode 3

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Horror Shop Radio Episode 3: Tree Farm
Adapted from a short film of the same title, originally produced in 2011.

Both the film and the audio adaptation were
Written, Directed, and Produced by Matthew Burd


Andrea Richardson as Mummy
Hailey Burd as Ellie

Additional dialogue was taken directly from the Cast of the original film, starring...

Danielle Tampier as Lori
Bill Pittenger as Paul and Grown Up Billy
Sam Tyler as the Old Man
Edward Witt as Sonny

The teenagers were played by
Stacy Casebeer
Alishia Shafer
John Fanjoy
Chris Marks

Steve Vil as the voice of the Newscaster
Matthew Burd as the Doctor

The original film version starred William Molesky as Billy Bloodworth

Original Score for Tree Farm, as well as the Horror Shop Radio Theme Music were composed by Steve Vil of the band Teknokill.

This episode also featured a snippet of the song Untouchable by Embrace Agony

and In The Hall Of The Mountain king, Composed by Edvard Grieg (Peer-Gynt), Dark piano cover by Myuu.

The audio from the film was shot on location at Beck's Tree Farm in Mt. Bethel, Pennsylvania

The boom operator was Mike Stewart

Post Production by Matthew Burd

Additional Sound design from freesound.org on a Creative Commons License

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Episode 4 of Horror Shop Radio, entitled What's Your Emergency will be coming your way on January 31, 2021.

We thank you for listening and hope that you will subscribe or follow us on your favorite podcast platform. You can Visit our website at horrorshopradio.com or at Horror Shop Radio on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Horror Shop Radio is a production of Horror Shop Films and Innovation Cinema Productions. Copyright 2020.

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